Career Strategy Consulting PackageZoom

Career Strategy Consulting Package

Career Strategy Consulting Package
Item# 1475castraco
Your Career Strategy or Interview Preparation Sessions will give you the renewed clarity of goal in your job search approach and the improved interviewing confidence you seek to display at interviews. Career Strategy Preparedness can add a strategic approach to designing and answering questions at your annual review or your scheduled career status meeting.

Same Day Service Available. (No Priority Charge)

This Career Strategy Package consists of Three 30-minute Career Strategy Consulting Sessions. You can use the sessions on an as-needed basis.
(We will also help you update your LinkedIn Profile if needed.)

Suggestion: Schedule a session before your annual review or an arranged career status meeting with management so you can be prepared to address the fundamentals. Schedule the second session the day before your manager, specialized group, or team interview or the last session before your final in-person or panel interview. And watch your results and salary offers soar!!

Career Strategy Counseling is an excellent preparation tool for an annual salary or performance review and an invaluable preparation tool for college admissions interviews. Career Strategy Coaching is not just for job interviews:

Candidate Comment: Thank you for your help with Career Strategy and the same-day Interviewing Prep in advance of my school interview. I got the letter that I was accepted to the medical school I wanted. Thanks Again, S.V.