Cold Calling Hiring ManagersZoom

Cold Calling Hiring Managers

Cold Calling Hiring Managers
Item# JobSearchColdCall08
There are other techniques besides posting your resume on the job boards and networking to improve your chances of getting that interview and landing your new job. One of them is a direct cold call to the hiring manager is a great way to introduce yourself and get ahead of other job seekers.

Cold Calling the hiring manager to introduce yourself and your qualifications for a position you are interested in will make you stand out!!! These cold-calling skills are also useful if you choose to introduce yourself and your candidacy at an industry event or choose a bold resume drop-off job search technique.

How? Cold calling a manager to discuss an open position as part of your job search can eliminate many of the steps that keep your resume out of the slow resume routing obstacle track from the Recruiter or HR to the Hiring Manager.

Our Job-search cold call coaching is designed to help you create and master a cold call to a company you are interested in. We can also teach you how to get around a pesky gatekeeper, receptionist, startled manager, or angry Human Resources person or Recruiter if you are automatically forwarded to them.

While managers will often say that they do not like or encourage these job-search cold calls, they are often quite impressed that you have made the call, especially if the job involves customer interaction, interfacing with multiple departments, or a management role.

Do not waste this great opportunity to showcase your skills by flubbing the call. Using cold calling as part of your job search strategy can be a bit tricky. But it can be done well. Let us show you how.

Choose the right job and company to cold call and the best days and times to call, and how to initiate the call. Be mindful of creating an intro statement for the gatekeeper or the hiring manager and engage a hiring manager on the phone. You should seek to schedule a date for the in-person interview and, above all, have a plan for what to do if you are routed to personnel. Should you try more than to reach a single manager, how to end the call, and your post-phone call strategy?

Speak to a job search cold call coach now to learn more… Or better yet, purchase our 30-minute cold call prep.