Our LinkedIn Account has been Restricted

Franklin Paterson Company Inc. Your One-stop Career Boutique.™
Wondering why you can no longer find us on LinkedIn? The simple answer is this, LinkedIn has restricted our Personal and Business accounts. They did not tell us why but asked me to verify that I was me. Then they rejected the driver's license, saying the picture needed to be clearer. Upon inspection, although fairly new, the picture is not crisp. Well, what do I do now? Do I ask the DMV for a redo? This is the first time anyone has rejected the picture as not a good likeness.
So we have lost our personal and company LinkedIn accounts after the years of work I put into it. So the question becomes, can the business continue to thrive without LinkedIn? Doing well on LinkedIn takes up time and costs a fair deal. For example, I spent a fair part of each day writing, reading, and responding to posts my connections placed on LinkedIn. For example, I spend Wednesdays obsessing about my weekly post or article and responding to the posts of others.
But now Wednesday is all about interacting with current and new clients, research, intros to new ideas, and a studied calm. To be clear, I am not saying that the time spent on LinkedIn was useless, but so far, nothing appears to be different; since LinkedIn delivered hardly any direct sales, so it does raise the value for the money and output of the time question. Plus, my mailbox is doing a high-kick jig regarding the prospect of fewer notifications, messages, and no-reply emails.
Close to five thousand followers and just about the same number of connections all that work for nothing! But when life throws you an unexpected curve ball, you lean in, catch it and hang on to it. Unexpected trouble is the trouble that sparks your latent expertise and nurtures growth.
Thanks, Janis. Resume Writer, Interview Preparation and Career Strategy Consulting
Wondering why you can no longer find us on LinkedIn? The simple answer is this, LinkedIn has restricted our Personal and Business accounts. They did not tell us why but asked me to verify that I was me. Then they rejected the driver's license, saying the picture needed to be clearer. Upon inspection, although fairly new, the picture is not crisp. Well, what do I do now? Do I ask the DMV for a redo? This is the first time anyone has rejected the picture as not a good likeness.
So we have lost our personal and company LinkedIn accounts after the years of work I put into it. So the question becomes, can the business continue to thrive without LinkedIn? Doing well on LinkedIn takes up time and costs a fair deal. For example, I spent a fair part of each day writing, reading, and responding to posts my connections placed on LinkedIn. For example, I spend Wednesdays obsessing about my weekly post or article and responding to the posts of others.
But now Wednesday is all about interacting with current and new clients, research, intros to new ideas, and a studied calm. To be clear, I am not saying that the time spent on LinkedIn was useless, but so far, nothing appears to be different; since LinkedIn delivered hardly any direct sales, so it does raise the value for the money and output of the time question. Plus, my mailbox is doing a high-kick jig regarding the prospect of fewer notifications, messages, and no-reply emails.
Close to five thousand followers and just about the same number of connections all that work for nothing! But when life throws you an unexpected curve ball, you lean in, catch it and hang on to it. Unexpected trouble is the trouble that sparks your latent expertise and nurtures growth.
Thanks, Janis. Resume Writer, Interview Preparation and Career Strategy Consulting