Resignation Letters
Do you need to submit a resignation letter, or would a short conversation with your manager meet the need? Most companies do not require resignation or job leaving letters. However, there are a few situations in which you may want to present one.
If you would like to ensure that your tenure at the firm is remembered positively, then an exit email or a mailed letter mentioning one or two highlights is just the thing.
It is essential that your resignation letter does not hurt your chances of getting a great reference from someone at your former employer. Invest in a custom-designed letter that highlights your achievements and is professionally designed for you!!
Here are the many types of Resignation Letters we offer.
Questions? Get a FREE initial consultation Speak to a Writer and Career Counselor. A resignation or leaving letter may sometimes replace an exit interview, so a well-written explanation of why you are leaving may be all the company needs.
Please Note: If you are a mid-career, senior, late career, technical or management level candidate you will need a letter that is similar to a cover letter. Create a resignation to help you get great references for years to come!!!
After you have accepted your new job offer by phone, remember to send a properly addressed, professionally written Job Acceptance
email letter or letter, and Thank You Letters to those referred you or helped to prepare for the interview. Good manners will always be rewarded and remembered.
If you would like to ensure that your tenure at the firm is remembered positively, then an exit email or a mailed letter mentioning one or two highlights is just the thing.
It is essential that your resignation letter does not hurt your chances of getting a great reference from someone at your former employer. Invest in a custom-designed letter that highlights your achievements and is professionally designed for you!!
Here are the many types of Resignation Letters we offer.
Questions? Get a FREE initial consultation Speak to a Writer and Career Counselor. A resignation or leaving letter may sometimes replace an exit interview, so a well-written explanation of why you are leaving may be all the company needs.
After you have accepted your new job offer by phone, remember to send a properly addressed, professionally written Job Acceptance
email letter or letter, and Thank You Letters to those referred you or helped to prepare for the interview. Good manners will always be rewarded and remembered.