Starter Resume, Entry Level or New Grad Resume
Recent Grad Resume Zoom

Recent Grad Resume

Recent Grad Resume
Item# 1473Starterresume
If you are an early career candidate, seeking an internship position, or your first professional position, then the Starter Resume or Early Career service is perfect for you! Preparation of your starter resume begins with a consultation with a career counselor and professional resume writer. Click here to view Starter Resume Writing FAQ's

  • At the start of the process our writers will send you a resume questionnaire.

  • The Resume Questionnaire will have significant input into our work, drafting your new resume, and it will help you in prepping for your interviews.

  • Using the information gathered in our phone conversations and from the Questionnaire, our writer will choose a resume design that highlights your strengths and qualifications.

  • Work with one resume writer throughout the entire process. Want to purchase the Resume Questionnaire only? Click Here
    You best career starts with a Professional Resume

  • A draft of the resume will be sent to you for comment and review, and a review call will be scheduled

  • Changes or additions are made upon return of the draft based on your input. The finished resume will be emailed to you within 72 hours.

  • Customer Comment:
    WOW!!!!! This is incredible!!!!!
    Thank you so much! This is really great and much better than I expected. I don't have any edits. This really looks great. Thanks a ton and I will definitely send any of my friends that are re-doing their resumes to you!
    Thanks again!
    M.G. Boston, M.A.